Frequently Asked Questions


For virtual training, what equipment do I need?

Most movements can be performed with no equipment at all or with inexpensive bands that you can buy online. If you have any equipment at home already, please message us a picture of what you have available and we'll incorporate them into your workouts.

What’s the best platform to use? (FaceTime, Skype, etc.)

FaceTime through your iPad or laptop works perfectly. If you don’t have an Apple device, Skype or WhatsApp video work just as fine through your phone.

How much space do I need?

All you need is a 10' x 10' ft minimum space to promote functional movements.

How long are the sessions?

Sessions are one hour long. It consists of a 5 minute warm-up, 50 minute workout and a 5 minute stretching cool down.

What’s the price?

Prices vary based on packages of 12 or 24 session, or weekly subscriptions in which you can train anywhere between 1 to 4 times per week.

You can pay weekly or by purchasing a package depending on your schedule and frequency of training. After your two first free sessions, all payments must be made before your next training session begins.

Please send us your desired availability and number of sessions you would like to work out per week for more information. After your first complementary session, we will also make recommendations on needed frequency.

Do my sessions expire?

All unused standalone sessions and sessions within packages expire after 180 days.

Sessions within weekly subscriptions expire on a weekly basis.

How do I pay?

We currently accept credit cards (via Square Payments) and PayPal. Once you make your first payment, if you choose to do so, Square Payments will save your information for future charges.

What’s the cancellation policy?

Scheduled sessions will be held to a 24 hour cancellation policy.

You are allowed to move your weekly subscription sessions to another day and time within the same week (providing that the trainer has availability) but you will not be able to roll them over to the following week.

You can freeze or cancel your weekly subscription plan at any time before your next billing cycle begins.